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MI cable Installation Training Course

We provide free installation training service, and enjoy professional level training after registration.

?These courses are intended for manufacturer technicians and specialize in cable testing methods, test equipment setup, calibration and operation.

  • Course Location


  • Course Price


  • Course Class


  • Who is it for?

    Cable manufacturers

Course Brief Introduction

The course provides professional training guidance for cable installation in building engineering and solves the problems of power transmission and cable application in construction engineering by sharing the information of the atlas of laying and installing mineral insulated cable.
Courses mainly include construction process, personnel training, technical preparation, cable safety inspection and other knowledge points. By learning and mastering the technical standards of cable performance and testing methods of mineral insulated cables, we can ensure that the cables are laid efficiently and safely in the process of operation and ensure the quality of their use.

Registration Form

You can fill in the following form, click "Submit" and your information will be submitted to the company email, and then the service will contact you as soon as possible during the working day to connect with you on training.

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