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Customer support

In the event of inconveniences, contact us, we will answer for you as soon as possible, and we will be the enterprise that will listen to the customer at all times.

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Guangdong Sunwin Cable Industry Co., Ltd.

Thank you for visiting Shengyu Cable.

Shengyu Cable will always be a business that listens to customers.

If there is any inconvenience or consultation, please fill in here.

We will deal with it as soon as possible

Service Hotline:400-0099-020

Department of domestic Marketing

  • Tel: +86-13802758211(方經(jīng)理) +86-020-28982598
  • Fax: +86-020-3216 0096
  • Email Service@gdsyCable.com

Ministry of International Trade

  • Tel+: +86-013650891576(Miss wu) +86-020-89613381
  • Fax: +86-020-3216 0096
  • E-mail: chloe@gdsycable.com
  • Skype: shengyucable

Address:No.23, Dongzhi Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province

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